Friday, June 15, 2012

mencegah bau mulut^^

Bad breath (Bau mulut, bahasa inggrisnya apa ya?) is oral health problems most often complained of by patients, other than toothache. Bad breath  most caused by oral hygiene problems. Bad breath can also caused a specific health condition or disease.

There are some things that you can do to prevent bad breath:
1. Brush teeth after eat and before go to bed. Do flossing at least once a day. The use of mouthwash only help freshen breath for a while. Without a toothbrush and flossing to clean, will not be effective mouthwash eliminate bad breath.
2. Brush the tongue. Brush tongue can be done by using a toothbrush or a special tongue brushes are sold in supermarkets or department stores. Surface of the tongue brushed up 5-15 times, especially the central part of the tongue.
3. When using a removable denture or removable braces, do not forget to always clean up these loose tools on a regular basis.
4. Keep your mouth moist, either by drinking enough water (not coffee or soft drink), or by chewing xylitol gum or such candy that does not contain sugar.
5. Replaced brush teeth every 3 months.
6. Check your teeth at the dentist, at least 6 months.

please toothbrush regularly and remember is it any holes in teeth or not. . if there're hole please patch to the dentist. and don't forget to clean tartar (scaling) too. Tooth cavities and tartar that has accumulated cause bad breath.
Remember, mouthwash or chewing scented, or mouth spray aren't the solution to eliminate bad breath. These things were only to help eliminate bad breath for a while. If the effect is lost, bad breath is definitely pushed back.

happy smile ^^, keep spirit^^,hahahahahaha

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